Group mobility for adult education, June 2023, Romania

Between 13 and 17 June 2023, 7 participants from Adana, Turkey came on a group mobility to TEAM4Excellence in Constanta, Romania to improve their digital skills. Adana Provincial Directorate of National Education organization sent 7 participants who for four days were adult learners and we hope they met the expectations we set together on the first day of the course. Of the 7 participants, 5 were adult learners, one educator was job shadowing and another teacher on teaching assignment. The participants were part of a continuing education training where they improved their language skills using Duolingo and Google Translate and acquired basic skills that are useful for employment.

On the first day, facilitators Nicoleta Acomi and Daria Barbu from TEAM4Excellence presented the Erasmus+ programme, adult education projects and piloted with the participants the DIFA55 application to see what is the level of digital skills of the learners. Also on the first day there was a workshop on the use of Google Maps for city orienteering. The participants had the task to take photos and videos touching on specific themes and sights.

On the second day, the learners learned how to create a Gmail address and using the materials filmed the day before, the participants created a PowerPoint presentation about their experience in Constanta. In order to access the footage they filmed with their phones to put in the presentation, they learned how to upload the photo-video footage via Whatsapp Web and Google Drive.

On the third day, the learners together with the tutors attended a workshop at the Constanta Maritime University. Here they met other Erasmus learners from Romania and worked in groups to create a story using images. The participants also acquired skills in creativity, storytelling, teamwork and presenting in front of others.

On the last day, learners learned how to create a Europass CV online and how to create a professional Social Media post. At the end, certificates were awarded.


Location: Constanta, Romania

Date: 13-17 June 2023

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