Education through gamification

On 12th of July we held a Focus Group in a innovative hybrid way. We had the pleasure of having as guests 10 VET teachers  and trainers. Together we discussed the preferences on features and game elements that we find more effective and engaging Game-based Learning Programs. Clearly, we collected good practices to select the relevant game elements that can be used at various stages of e-learning.


The moderator of the event, Carmen Serban, introduced herself and the topic of today’s discussion. Then, explained shortly the INNOVET project and the purpose of the discussion group.

To break the ice, she invited each participant to introduce themselves and tell a funny story from their lessons with the students.


To align everybody’s general knowledge of gamification – the game-based learning and teaching – she started the presentation with the general question:

  • Do you have access to the knowledge of digital tools and platforms for gamifying lessons? What are some examples?

We were happy to note that our guests already have a background in this topic. Likewise, they are not only curious to learn, but also they have what to share with us.

Key Questions

On this joyful note, Carmen continued to guide the discussion with the key questions prepared in advance. To encourage a deeper analysis of game elements that can be used for learning, she suggested to them to imagine that they have classes on a certain topic. Next, answer the questions based on what they imagined.

There were many interesting ideas, but in order for them to stay with us, we proposed them to complete in a document the most practical ones.

At the end, we were all enriched with new ideas and more motivated to experiment with new teaching methods and practices based on e-learning games.


Location: Constanta(hybrid way), Romania

Date: 12th of July 2022

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