Funny Tales from Eurospace

Name: Funny tales from Eurospace
Topics: Theater, Inclusion
Duration: APV 21-23/07/2021, Youth Exchange 3-12/08
Location: Łódź
Deadline: 11/07/2021
Description of the Project:
The youth exchange – ‘Funny tales from Eurospace’ has been initiated by the youth from 3 countries: Poland, Turkey and Romania. The participants are 27 people who will organize a theatre workshop from a social perspective. The outcome will be presented to ill youth from social centers. The project will allow the youth to get to know Polish, Turkish and Romanian cultures, gain and improve new skills by designing and making puppets considering cultural traditions of all the countries, writing a script of the performance, getting to know new forms of rehabilitation for the ill ones and principles of gelotology in practice. Puppets used in the performance will be inspired by characters from fairy tales and legends known in each of the partner countries and will be made from recycled materials in order to show them how ‘waste materials’ can be reused and to draw their attention to ecological issues in modern Europe.
By carrying out the workshop young people are willing to draw attention to important issues connected with the diversification of nations, to show the world the ways of overcoming intercultural barriers, and in relations with the ill ones and avoiding mistakes in perceiving otherness in all aspects. The youth by means of meetings with ill children will promote the idea of equality of the ill and the disabled ones in society, sensitizing others to their situation and pointing out that disease and disability are a part of our life and cannot be ignored when being healthy and young person.
Profile of the participants:
- All participants have to be 18-30 years old and have residency in the sending country;
- All participants should speak and understand English;
- Interested in topics such as theater, puppets, ecology, social cause
- At least one participant should have availability to travel on both dates as a group leader(21-23rd of July and 3-12th of August).
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