The World of Fundraising, February 2023, Portugal

In late February 2023, youth workers and trainers from different countries gathered in Portugal for the Erasmus+ Mobility Program. The program was focused on Fundraising Internationally, aimed at providing participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel as fundraisers. The program was a collaboration between the “No Shame” Foundation in Poland, TEAM4Excellence in Romania, and the host organization in Portugal.

The program was designed to equip youth workers and trainers with the skills to raise funds for their organizations. Fundraising is an essential aspect of organizational sustainability, and equipping youth workers with the necessary skills to excel in fundraising can help organizations achieve their goals and objectives.

The program was delivered through interactive workshops, discussions, and practical exercises, providing participants with a holistic understanding of the art of fundraising. Participants explored the different types of fundraising, including sponsorship, individual donations, and government grants. They learned how to develop a fundraising plan, set targets, and evaluate success.

Participants also explored the importance of ethical fundraising practices, such as transparency, accountability, and integrity. They learned how to build relationships with donors, create compelling stories, and use social media to promote their cause.

Aside from the training, the program provided an opportunity for participants to network, share experiences, and learn from each other. Participants also had the chance to explore the beauty of Portugal and its unique culture.

The Erasmus+ Mobility Program in Portugal was an enriching experience for the youth workers and trainers who participated. They returned to their organizations with valuable skills and knowledge that can help them make a significant impact in their fundraising efforts. The program also helped foster international cooperation, sharing of best practices, and promoting cultural exchange.


Location: Portugal

Date: 28th of February 2023

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