Fundraising Dissemination Event, March 2023, Romania

On 17 March 2023, TEAM4Excellence organized at the Maritime University of Constanta the Erasmus+ Projects Gala event to support digital education, an event that promoted the results of Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps projects. The event was attended by 50 teachers, trainers, students and educational counsellors from multiple educational institutions in Constanta county, Romania.

The event started at 12:45 with a broader presentation on the actions through which the Erasmus+ and ESC programmes contribute to the digitalization and integration of gamification methods in education. Nicoleta Acomi from TEAM4Excellence opened the presentation by talking extensively about lifelong learning projects, volunteering activities and the social responsibility of trainers and ESC volunteers for stimulating the active participation of youth in the community. Then, the representatives from “Carol I” Commercial College“Mihai Eminescu” National College, Technological Highschool Dragomir Hurmuzescu from Medgidia and Technological High School “Gheorghe Duca” from Constanta presented the Erasmus+ projects in which these high schools were involved. The representative of Constanta County School Inspectorate took part in the event and presented the overview of Erasmus initiatives at the county level. Daria Barbu from TEAM4Excellence delivered a comprehensive demonstration of several types of fundraising opportunities and online platforms for use in fundraising.

Participants were asked to think about fundraising causes and design volunteering campaigns to raise funding for those causes. At the end, Nicoleta Acomi facilitated a discussion with the participants focusing on the benefits of volunteering activities for fundraising and the ways in which education initiatives can involve students in raising funds.


Location: Constanta, Romania

Date: 17th of March 2023

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