Female entrepreneurship for youth

On May 14, 2022, our partners from Co-labory (Italy) participated at the FAI(L) IMPRESA Event organized by FIDAPA BPW Italy – Trani and Corato section, in the Trombetta room of the G. Bovio Municipal Library in Trani.
The event, born with the aim of contributing to publicize the funding opportunities at local and European level, gave the opportunity to share information and tools with the audience, mainly characterized by young women who wish to start a business. These are the outcomes that we are developing thanks to the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Entrepreneurial mindset for future youth work (EnMind).

EnMind aims to encourage entrepreneurship and unlock the growth potential of young Europeans, especially NEETs and the economy. Having and entrepreneurial spirit is important for everyone. In particular, it is important for those who are planning to create a new business. This is w hy it seemed natural to us on this occasion to share the information about the project.

Location: Trani, Italy
Date: 14th of May, 2022

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