Educational Innovation for Active Citizens

The DIGCIT Multiplier Event “Educational Innovation for Active Citizens in Digital Environments”, was organized by the Athens Lifelong Learning Institute. It promoted the “Multilingual MOOC for youth personal development in the field of digital citizenship”. The duration of the event was two hours, with participants attending the event in person and online.

The aim of this event was to present the goals and results of the project. Indeed, it guides participants through the project’s educational platform and new multilingual MOOC.


Preparatory activities

Firstly, the preparatory activities involved the logistic arrangements of the meeting. And the necessary dissemination activities that would spread the message of the event to the greatest number.

Then, the Athens Lifelong Learning Institute aimed to communicate the delivery of the event to a broad and targeted audience. This included:

  • The newsletters: Included the invitation to the event and all the necessary information regarding the date, time and location of the event, the target groups etc.
  • Social media posts: Several Facebook and LinkedIn posts were uploaded in the course of two weeks before the delivery of the event.
  • Website posts: Content for the organization’s website was created for the participants to subscribe to the event.


Presentation of the event

  • Session 1: Presentation of the overview of the DIGCIT Project, its duration, goals, results, target audiences, and partners.
  • Session 2: Present online use patterns of Greek youth with three surveys from Safer Internet 4 Kids, Greek Safer Internet Centre (SIC), and Help-line 2019. Graphs and tables were presented to the participants following a roundtable discussion.
  • Session 3: Dedicated to the presentation of the DIGCIT Educational Platform. The 10 digital courses were demonstrated and a short description of the content of each course was provided. Finally, the PowerPoint Presentation showed the platform’s aim, objectives and its innovative recognition system.
  • Session 4: The participants had the opportunity to explore and use the MOOC resource.  The second part involved the evaluation of the platform. In fact, every participant commented on the educational material and design of the platform.


Results and conclusions

At the final, the event was well organized and all the necessary actions were undertaken for its dissemination. Also, the attendants provided us with very positive feedback on the platform.

In summary, the multiplier event achieved the purpose of disseminating the main result of the project, the educational platform. The group discussions provided valuable input and participants had the opportunity to expand their knowledge and network.


Location: Serafeio City of Athens, Greece
Dates: 6th June, 2022

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