DigiFacT research interview

As part of the DigiFacT (Digital Facilitator Trainer) project, on the 22nd of November, we conducted our second interview.  The DigiFacT project is funded by the Erasmus+ programme and is being developed in partnership with Femxa Formación S.L.U (Spain) and the Osmaniye Provincial Directorate of National Education (Turkey).

This interview-based research aims to assess VET teachers’ skills when using digital instruments in the classroom and find the gaps in the educators’ competencies. 

We based the methodology of the interview in the European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu) and, around the 6 areas outlined in the framework, we created 10 questions. At the same time, to better guide the answers of the participants, three domains of digital technologies were chosen: data analysis tools, gamification, and artificial intelligence.

With the results from the research, an online platform with digital tools will be built to help educators improve their digital competencies. Visit DigiFacT website for all the updates!


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