Cyberbullying Awareness

On November 24th and 25th, 2021, we went again to Ovidiu’s School. We delivered a workshop on cyberbullying.

We were very happy to see some students again and meet new ones. Our conversations were very fruitful: they already knew a few things about cyberbullying and were interested in learning more. We talked about how to promote positivity online and how to deal with negative or hateful comments.

They were very involved in the activity and seemed to have a lot of fun. They had to reply to negative and hateful comments that were posted online. They all were very proud to present their answer to the others. They all had very nice ideas, using empathy or humor.

It was our last workshop in that school. We are so glad we got to meet the students and the teacher there. It was a pleasure to go there and we keep many good memories!

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