The fourth transnational project meeting, June 2023, Turkey

On 20 June, the CreArt project partners met for the final transnational project meeting in Ankara, Turkey. The aim of the final project meeting is to evaluate the project activities, finalise the project, disseminate and create a roadmap to ensure that the project results can be used after the end of the project. The project partners evaluated what they did in each country and the effects of the CreArt project. Multiplier events and dissemination conferences were planned. Management and financial reports were discussed and planned as well as issues related to the final report.

The project meeting was attended by the coordinator of the Yenișehir District Directorate of National Education, the Turkish partners Sariçam Halk Eğitimi Merkezi Müdürlüğü, Karataş Halk Eğitimi Merkezi, Megider, the Italian partner Ecoistituto del Friuli Venezia Giulia, the Romanian partner Asociatia TEAM4Excellence and the Spanish partner DOMSPAIN.

The meeting started with a greetings from the coordinators and a presentation of the results and activities of the CreArt project. These results were then evaluated according to the impact they created and according to their implementation progress. Among the results already available are the Creativity & Arts online course and the CreArt Training Pack.
The second session of the meeting was dedicated to the Educational Multimedia Book. The partners agreed on the final version of the output and the details of publication and dissemination. The organisation of multiplier events in all partner countries and other dissemination activities were also discussed.

In addition, the partners agreed on the final report of the project and on administrative matters. Finally, they set the steps for the sustainability and exploitation of the project results.


Location: Ankara, Turkey

Date: 20 June 2023

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