CiMe Learning Teaching Training Activities in Budapest, Hungary

Between 28th of August and 3rd of September 2022 ICRP Budapest organised the Learning, Teaching, Training Activities for the KA2 Erasmus+ project ”Integrating Citizen Media into daily Youth Work for empowering Youths with Fewer Opportunities in Digital Citizenship” (CiMe). Delegates from all partner organizations of the project participated in the activity:

During the training days we shared workshop activities and practices about the social networks and how the social networks affect our daily life. We learned more about the Digital Citizenship which refers to the ability to engage positively, critically and competently in the digital environment, drawing on the skills of effective communication and creation, to practice forms of social participation that are respectful of human rights and dignity through the responsible use of technology.

The CiMe course and the LTTA activities were designed around the key idea of making use of the opportunity of modern media to defeat the risky situations that can occur. Recent political trends in Europe demonstrate the importance of media in community life. Digital Media must be used, understood, analysed, and created by all citizens. As a result, the main focus of this project, entitled “CiMe – Integrating Citizen Media into Daily Youth Work for Empowering Youths with Fewer Opportunities in Digital Citizenship,” will be the development and deployment of Citizen Media.

Date: 28th of August – 3rd of September 2022

Location: Budapest, Hungary

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