"Captain on the Ship of the Future"

On Friday, 27th May 2022, the fourth edition of the “Captain on the Ship of the Future” Contest took place.

Students from “Ovidius” Theoretical High School, “Mircea cel Bătrân” National College, “Carol I” Commercial College, “Dimitrie Leonida” Technological High School, “Ioan N. Roman” Technological High School from Constanța and from at Topraisar Technological High School, “Ioana Cotovu” Theoretical High School from Hârșova but also UMC students.

They participated in three activities that took place in the navigation simulator, the loading-unloading of liquid goods and the navigation simulator with electronic charts.

At the end of the activities, a kahoot  competition was organized with questions related to this event. The top three finishers were rewarded with “Captain on the Ship of the Future” diplomas and prizes consisting of airpods awarded by our Association. All participants received participation certificates and writing tools awarded by Ministry of Education.

During the event, Mr. Jenaru Mihai, a member of the Romanian Shipmasters Association, guided the first steps towards a career in the maritime field of the 40 participants. He pointed out the importance of such events and mentoring programs for highschool learners and university students. 

Location: Maritime University of Constanta

Date: 27th May 2022

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