Workshop: Fake news and disinformation

On December 15th, 2021, we hosted an event for teachers, youth workers and youth on limiting disinformation and fake news on social media. This event aimed at developing their awareness about tools and solutions that exist to help them be safe online, as well as to raise awareness about Team4Excellence and its European Solidarity Corps project Bias By Us.

After a presentation of the organisation and of the volunteers, we started the activities with an energizer. After the energizer, participants learned about using the DIGCIT manual for developing engaging activities and how to use DIGCIT e-learning platform for youth work. Participants were in different groups. Each had a stack of paper. On the first paper, they secretly wrote a sentence about news. Then they gave the stack to their neighbour, who had to draw the sentence. The next person had to describe the drawing in one sentence, and so on. At the end, the first sentence is often different from the first in a very funny way. This game developed within the DIGCIT project shows how something can be understood differently by two people and how information can be transformed as it is shared by multiple people. Through this approach, participants improved their pedagogical skills and can improve their youth work in an innovative way.

The next activity allowed participants to express their agreement or disagreement with statements related to the digital world. This led to interesting debates, notably about whether social media should hold responsibility for the content on their platform.

Finally, in the last activity, participants had to work on a case study in groups. Each group had a different character and point of view. This allowed for the emergence of different good practices when it comes to online security. It also showed the diversity of solutions that exist and that it is important to work together in order to have the most positive impact.

After the activities, participants had the opportunity to discuss and relax around a buffet and pool tables.

Location: Hotel Dobrogea, Constanta, Romania

Date: 15th of December 2021

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