BlueGeneration Conference, July 2023, Belgium

On 5 July, members of TEAM4Excellence Association from Romania attended the Future-proofing the Blue Economy Conference within the Blue Generation project, held in Brussels, Belgium. The event aimed to disseminate the results of the project, to talk about the impact created by the project and to establish the next steps, such as the BlueGeneration Federation.
The welcome address was given by the project coordinator, Militos Consulting and the European Commission DG MARE.
Then the following project results were presented:

This was followed by a panel discussion among blue economy specialists on how to make the blue economy more attractive to young people.
After a coffee break, the event continued with a panel focusing on young blue economy workers. This included videos of young people involved in the BlueGeneration project.
At the end, there was a Q&A session on the next steps in the implementation of the BlueGeneration project, as well as some of the actions that can be taken after its completion, such as the BlueGeneration Federation. Afterwards, participants had a networking session and a buffet.


Location: Brussels, Belgium
Date: 5 July 2023

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