BeBlue Career Planning and Mentoring, Romania, September 2022

On the 1st of September 2022, TEAM4Excellence organised within the international Robotic workshop one special workshop session on career planning. The event took place at Hotel Dobrogea in Constanta, Romania and was dedicated to VET learners. Participants were guided by our mentor to access the Blue e-Mentoring Programme and to use the mentoring guide to plan a successful blue career. The workshop was attended by 13 VET learners from the Turkish high school robotics team who came on behalf of ERS Student Services, together with the TechNoLogic-RO 081 team from the Technological High School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications Constanta.

This innovative mentoring guide contains tools and advices on how assess the current level, as well as on how to proceed for improvement of own skills. Thanks to the fact that the guide was developed by BeBlue partners with a project management approach, participants had the opportunity to set up the objectives in career, based on individual profile.

Therefore, they used the SWOT analysis and SMART career objectives to plan their career in the blue economy. They identified objectives for the first year, after graduation, in 5 years as well as for 10 years.

At the end of the session, they presented the career plans and benefited form the career advisor experience to make adjustments, include milestones and use tools for gradually evaluation of the accomplishment.

Location: Constanta, Romania

Date: 1st of September 2022

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