Analytical skills matter

Erasmus training course

In this course, our scope was to Improve analytical skills. Therefore, we make it the main priority of our team that participated in a 3-day Erasmus training course with European colleagues.

During three days, ten teachers and youth workers had the chance to improve own analytical skills. Firstly, they talk about common analytical skills and how to improve them. Secondly, participants proposed methods to analyse Fake news articles and learn how to spot them. Thirdly, they have been sharing know-how and experiences about pedagogical methods. In addition, they were working to create new attractive modules for non-formal education.



3-day Course

During the 1st day of training, participants shared good practices to improve analytical skills.

The 2nd day of training course, focused on using online apps that can improve analytical skills. ???

After that, the engaging group activities allowed participants to try and test methods to deal with fallacious arguments. ???

JOIN our Facebook group and share with us methods to interpret, analyse and evaluate the News.

We share with you

The merit for course attractiveness is for the leader of each activity, who designed interactive workshops.

They involved participants in debates, used apps and specialized websites and shared tips on how to recognize fake news.

After that, our team transformed the collection of methods into online accessible courses.

Finally, the wide amount of knowledge is presented in short and accessible e-modules. Create your free account to join the online course.

Participants from all five project partners TEAM4Excellence, Romania; CEMEA Rhone-Alpes, France; Fundacja Instytut Badan Iinnowacjiw Edukacji, Poland; Solidaridad Sin Fronteras, Spain and Petit Pas, Italy get together to improve analytical skills. Gradually, they were able to distinguish which skills and methods would better help youth to identify fake news. Finally, they agreed on the most relevant skill set needed to deal with Fake News.

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Click here to read the press releases in partners’ languages EN | RO | ITSP | PL | FR

Location: Trani, Italy

Date: 10-13 December 2019

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