Our Last Day at Agigea Day Centre

On our last day at Agigea Day Centre, we tried face painting with the kids. We had on our phones a couple of images we had previously selected with different characters: a turtle, a unicorn, and even batman. At first, they all chose one picture, and we painted the design on their faces. But suddenly, the game got more interesting when we told the kids that they could paint our faces. They drew moustaches on us, and we all ended up disguised as Frenchmen.

Over the last two months, we had the amazing chance to know and understand what entertains them. The first time we brought the Mikado game, we thought it could keep them amused for ten minutes maximum. To our surprise, they got so engaged in the game that they would scream “s-a mișcat!” every time someone made another stick move when picking up their stick.

The summer is now over, and the kids had to go back to school, so we can no longer organise activities there every Wednesday. Nevertheless, we are sure we will see them again, whether at the centre or in their school. It was a pleasure for us to get to know every single one of them, we learned a lot this summer and we had so much fun!

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