Training for Youth, April 2023, Romania

Between the 15th and the 19th of April, TEAM4Excellence organised at the Maritime University of Constanta, Romania a training for youth within the Erasmus+ project The Learning AGE. The training for youth consisted of a series of workshops over the course of 5 days in which the participants enriched their knowledge about good intergenerational practices, video production and post-production and facilitation of digital skills for seniors. 

On the first day of the training, Nicoleta Acomi started by explaining to the young people what the AGE project wants, what the project results are and how the training will take place over the days. The importance of intergenerational communication was explained to young people, taking into account the key components of andragogy and how it applies to teaching senior learners.

On the second day, the two facilitators focused on videomaking as a method of intergenerational education and on facilitating digital skills for adults. Young people learned how to communicate with seniors while working with them on the digital side and teaching them new skills using a smartphone. They learnt practical notions about how to use a smartphone camera properly when filming.

On the third day, Daria Barbu talked to the participants about different photo and video formats and their use depending on the type of content. They did not hesitate to ask questions about video production and were interested in types of framing and shots, working for interviews and writing a script. There were practical activities where young people experienced what it is like to shoot and edit a simple video.

The fourth day was about editing and types of cuts and effects in montage. Participants watched examples of videos and film fragments to understand how editing works, and then used the CapCut app to edit a video on their phone. We also talked about how to export a video on editing programs and how to upload them online.

On the last day, each of the participants had to play the role of a senior trainer while the rest of the class played the role of seniors to explain to the seniors how videomaking works in simple steps. Each participant who played the role of trainer received feedback based on how clearly they explained the steps and how they communicated throughout the presentation to make others understand.

On 26th of April we met to plan the event with seniors on intergenerational peer learning which was called Digital Competences for Adults and took place on 27th of April at the Merty Hotel in Constanta. During the event, they interacted with the seniors and took part in the dissemination of the project, taking videos and pictures or helping seniors use their phone.


Location: Constanta, Romania

Date: 15th-19th of April 2023

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