Some places are simply authentic and they are precious jewels on their own. The city of Constanta is such an example with its beautiful diverse architecture and majestic view of the Black Sea.
This week has been really special for Constanta, thanks to Erasmus + project called “Media4you” where people from 11 countries gathered to learn everything about social media. This program had a rich agenda filled with many amazing activities, such as intercultural evenings or Halloween party. Here we learned a lot of new things about 11 different countries like new traditions, new words, different opinions about the same subject.
After this project we can say we have learned a lot things about media and manipulation skills, how to write a story from a photo , how to greet or other basic words in all these 11 languages. I think Erasmus + projects help us to become more open minded. We have the opportunity to see the world differently and to experience something unique. I wish more people will come to Erasmus + projects, because it’s a wonderful experience which you can’t live elsewhere.