The adoption rate of key digital technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, by businesses remains significantly low in the European Union, while the global market of AI in retail is growing at a compound annual growth rate of 35% over the next 5 years. The INAIR project is a collaborative initiative with partners from Romania, Italy, Poland and Cyprus. It stands as a crucial step towards equipping the European retail sector with the necessary AI skills, fostering sustainable business practices, and enhancing overall competitiveness in the digital age. This aligns with the European Digital Decade’s target of having over 75% of European companies adopt AI technologies by 2030.
We research to identify multi-level AI skills needs and gaps for MSMEs working in the Retail sector. The research report collects both the findings and conclusions of the transnational research work, and recommendations and guidelines for designing an AI Core curriculum for MSMEs in Retail.
Our objective is to contribute to reducing the AI skills gap of European micro, small and medium-sized retailers by identifying AI skills needs and gaps, implementing a scalable hybrid AI skills development program to re-/up-skill owners and employees of MSMEs working in the Retail sector.
The Environment serves as a platform to deliver the Open Educational Resources developed in the project and provide tailored learning experiences on AI for owners and employees of MSMEs in Retail.
We contribute to delivering the Open Educational Resources and tailored learning experiences in English and all the partners’ languages. A collection of integrable open educational resources is hosted on an E-Learning Environment and delivered as learning paths tailored around the results of the AI Skills Assessment.
The Curriculum covers AI basics for retailers to support them in optimizing resources and processes. It addresses transversal, green, information, digital and technical skills – essential for implementing AI for sustainability. An AI Skills Assessment Tool evaluates proficiency, objectively assessing the knowledge and skills linked to the domain defined in the AI skills needs and gaps analysis.
A Practical Guide for Facilitators is developed to support Continuing vocational education and training providers in integrating the project AI skills development solutions into their work.
Improve your AI skills in retail!
Open educational resources
INAIR project identifies the AI skills needs of micro, small and medium-sized retailors as well as develops learning resources to improve AI skills addressed to owners and workers of retail sector.
Our scope
Identifying and enhancing AI skills needs and gaps for MSMEs working in Retail sector.
Developing and integrating E-Learning environment and resources which address the AI in Retail.
Our main target groups are Owners and employees of various-sized retailers, industry experts, VET providers
Benefits of e-learning platform
Open access – login without bureaucratic obligations. Click here to see.
Free learning opportunities – develop key competences and get certificate of recognition.
Delivery of relevant upskilling or reskilling programs for retail workers through interactive learning content.
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Our Partners
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INAIR brings together six partners from Italy (Lasco and BSD), Poland (University of Warsaw), Germany (ITKAM), Romania (TEAM4Excellence) and Cyprus (University of Cyprus). Find more about our activities.
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents. The contents reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
“Increasing the uptake of AI in Retail (INAIR)”, ID: 101133847