Volunteering help young people to become active citizens and to take an active role in their lives and in their communities.

What we do for ESC volunteers?

We host international volunteers in Constanta. We send Romanian volunteers to other countries.

What is ESC?

ESC stands for European Solidarity Corps and is an EU Programme to support international (and national) volunteers.

What is the duration of a volunteering program?

short term volunteering – up to 2 months
long term volunteering – 2 to 12 months

What our volunteers do for the community in Constanta?

Non-formal education in public and private kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools, highschools, vocational schools, universities, etc.
For institutions in Romania.

From which countries do we accept applications for ESC volunteering?

Any EU country!

Are you a foreigner (non-Romanian citizen) and want to volunteer with us?

Are you a Romanian and want to volunteer internationally (EU and beyond) through ESC?

Are you a Romanian and want to volunteer in Romania through ESC? Apply here!

What if I am a local and I want to volunteer in Constanta, without enrolling to the ESC?


For individuals -
Do you intend to attend non-formal education delivered by our volunteers?

Please contact us HERE.

Are you an institution and want to invite our volunteers to deliver non-formal education?

Please contact us HERE.