We had the possibility to travel trough Romania for a whole week, last week we took the chance and started our trip in the early Saturday morning.

As it was a surprise for most of us, because only Lison and Sara planned the trip, we were excited about where we were going and what we could expect. After some hours in the train we arrived at 11am at our first stop: Brasov. On our way to the accomondation we were already amazed and impressed by the town surrounded by mountains. During our stay in Brasov we visited two different castles, the Peles Castle in Sinaia and the Bran castle. Especially on these two days we experienced the cold winter in Romania, that is not comparable to the one here in Constanta.

Our journey continued tuesday morning, when we took the train to Sibiu. By discovering the town we recognized the differences to Brasov and Constanta, especially I was fascinated by the influence of the Germans. Therefore Änne and I could see similarities to a few german cities we visited before. We started off to our last stop, on thursday- Sara`s birthday – to the small but surprising Sighisoara. Even though the town is relatively small we found some attractions to visit and furthermore we enjoyed letting our vacation ending totally relaxed. As every vacation has to end one day we took our train Saturday morning to come back to our city – Constanta.

To sum it up we had an amazing journey, thanks to the girls preparing and planning the whole trip! We experienced a lot, as every town had its own character, we could take a lot out of this vacation. And above all we had an unforgettable time as a group, that we will never forget, especially freezing together brings literally closer.

… and after all this we are still trying to catch Dracula. Even though we didn’t find Dracula we got to know an amazing guy called Franco. Originally from Argentina, he studies in Budapest and decided to travel through Romania, as we did. Franco is a very interesting person and one of the reasons why he was visiting Romania, was to fight against the stereotypes and discover on his own what Romania has to offer. All in all we had the same opinion about it: A LOT!