Art for Action - Constanta's Civic Drawing Contest

Erasmus Training Courses

Welcome to our drawing contest! We believe that drawing contests focused on societal and humanitarian challenges can spark positive change in our communities. By encouraging young people to participate, we hope to inspire greater engagement in addressing Europe-wide trends and fostering a sense of responsibility towards our society. Join us in using art as a tool for meaningful impact!

The contest is an initiative organized and promoted by European Solidarity Corps (ESC) volunteers based in Constanța. ESC is an initiative of the European Union aimed at providing opportunities for young people to engage in solidarity activities across Europe. The overarching goal of ESC is to promote solidarity, foster civic engagement, and strengthen the sense of European identity among young people.

Rules for participation and submission

The contest will start on 22 March 2024 and it will end on 23 May 2024.

Participant’s age: between 11 – 29

Candidates can participate individual or in groups. They shall choose one of the categories of the 10 domains of the active citizenship. In order to compete they need to present at least one drawing for the category chosen. Participants are allowed to present more than one drawing but not for the same category.

The European Solidarity Corps Volunteers from TEAM4Excellence invite candidates to submit drawings by uploading through the Google form.

Drawing contest will reflect your understanding on one of the following 10 domains

ACCESS & INCLUSION - “Welcoming Worlds Together”

“Welcoming Worlds Together” is about making sure that everyone, no matter who they are, feels like they belong. Draw a picture that shows how you would create a friendly and inclusive space for everyone to share their ideas, opinions, and unique perspectives. Your artwork can be a magical place where differences are celebrated, and everyone is invited to join the fun! Access and Inclusion is all about opening doors to digital spaces for everyone, including minorities and different opinions, fostering a sense of belonging and acceptance.

LEARNING & CREATIVITY - “Creative Adventures in Learning Land”

“Creative Adventures in Learning Land” is all about exploring, learning, and expressing yourself in fun and imaginative ways. Draw a picture that shows how you enjoy learning new things and being creative. Use your favourite tools, whether they’re crayons, markers, or digital gadgets, to showcase your unique talents and the exciting things you discover on your learning adventures. Learning and Creativity encourage developing new skills and expressing creativity in various contexts, helping you overcome challenges and explore new horizons.

MEDIA & INFORMATION LITERACY - “Adventures in Smart Storytelling”

In this topic, we explore how to be clever detectives when using information and media. Draw a picture that shows you on an adventure, discovering the secrets of stories and information. Become a smart explorer, learning how to tell your own fantastic tales while being responsible and kind. Your drawing can be a colourful map to guide others through the land of stories and information. Media & Information Literacy is all about being smart consumers and responsible creators of media, helping you navigate the vast world of information.

ETHICS & EMPHATY - “Friendship Magic”

In this topic, we learn about being great friends by exploring two magical powers: Ethics and Empathy. Draw a picture that shows how you and your friends use the magic of kindness to understand each other better. Your artwork can be a spell book of friendship, filled with moments of sharing, caring, and standing by each other. Join the course and discover how to sprinkle empathy and ethics into your everyday adventures! Ethics and Empathy are personal traits that contribute to maintaining peace, fostering understanding and connections at individual, interpersonal, and civic levels.

HEALTH & WELLBEING - “Happy Heroes Adventure”

This topic is all about keeping your body and mind strong and happy in the digital world. Draw a picture that shows how you and your friends become “Happy Heroes” by doing activities that make you feel great,
like playing outside, eating yummy and healthy snacks, and finding the perfect balance with technology. Join the course to discover the secrets of being a Happy Hero and learn how to keep yourself and others feeling awesome! Health & Wellbeing focuses on physical and psychological wellbeing in a growing digital technological world, promoting the development of balanced future citizens.

E-PRESENCE & COMMUNICATION - "Connecting Worlds Digitally"
EPresence and Communications revolve around connecting individuals and organizations in the digital realm. It’s about ensuring that everyone, regardless of background or location, has access to online platforms to express themselves, share information, and engage with others. Creates a space where everyone feels included, “Connecting Worlds Digitally” fosters a digital environment where people can interact, collaborate, and communicate across boundaries, enriching their experiences and connections.
ACTIVE PARTICIPATION - "Engaging Together"

Active Participation is akin to joining hands in a digital landscape. It’s about actively involving oneself, contributing ideas, and engaging with others rather than being a bystander. Where individuals are encouraged to share their unique perspectives, “Engaging Together” encourages active involvement, discussion, and collaboration, creating a vibrant and inclusive digital community where everyone’s voice is heard and valued.


Rights and Responsibilities form the cornerstone of a harmonious digital society. Promotes inclusivity and acceptance, “Balancing Acts” emphasizes the importance of respecting both rights and responsibilities. It highlights the need to recognize and uphold individual rights while fulfilling corresponding responsibilities. In this digital realm, where freedoms and obligations coexist, maintaining this delicate balance ensures a fair and equitable environment for all.

PRIVACY & SECURITY - "Guardians of Digital Spaces"

Privacy and Security act as the guardians of our digital realms. Privacy ensures that individuals have control over their personal information, while security safeguards this information from unauthorized access
and misuse. Together, they create a safe and trusted digital environment where individuals can freely express themselves without fear of intrusion or harm and, mirroring the inclusive.

CONSUMER AWARENESS - "Empowering Choices"

Consumer Awareness empowers individuals to make informed decisions in the digital marketplace. “Empowering Choices” encourages individuals to understand their rights as consumers, evaluate product quality and safety, and navigate digital platforms with confidence. By promoting awareness and education, it enables consumers to safeguard their interests and make choices that align with their needs and values, fostering a digitally savvy and empowered community.


Participants are allowed to use any artistic technique or digital tools they want.

The requirements of the final outputs are:

  • Format: A3 (for teams) or A4 (for individuals);
  • Resolution: min medium (mobile photos, scan);
  • Color: black/white or colored;
  • Images that have been created by Artificial Intelligence will not be accepted, digital Tools such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Canva etc.. are not considered AI tools but digital tools;
  • Drawings will be accepted in vector format (.svg) or bitmap at 600dpi (.jpg, .png or .tiff).

Winner selection

The Jury is composed by the European Solidarity Corps Volunteers and TEAM4Excellence members. The jury will choose the best drawing for each category and among those selected the FINAL WINNER will be chosen and awarded with a prize.


The judging criteria can be as follows:

  • Creativity and originality: Novel interpretation and creative expression.
  • Technical skill: Quality of technique, materials, and attention to detail.
  • Adherence to theme: Alignment with the specified theme or subject.
  • Composition: Consideration of balance and overall layout.
  • Color and contrast (if applicable): Effective use of color and visual impact.
  • Expressiveness: Conveying emotions, messages, or narratives.
  • Relevance and storytelling: Communication of a relevant story or message.
  • Overall impression: Overall impact and lasting impression.

General conditions

The drawings collected will be used in all promotional media of the TEAM4Excellence organization:

  • Posters and banners
  • Magazine
  • Digital communication: website, social networks, etc.

The aforementioned exploitation rights include the dissemination, reproduction and public communication of the work, and TEAM4Excellence may reproduce the award-winning work for the purposes of public dissemination of the organization in any format and regardless of the medium used.

It is a competition committed to respecting copyrights and consequently TEAM4Excellence will always act with full respect for them and in particular for the moral rights of illustrators over their works.

The jury in charge of evaluating and selecting the finalist illustrations and the winner will ensure compliance with the rules and their decision will be final.

The participation in the Contest through the established channels will mean total and unconditional acceptance of these rules.

Submitted drawings

Access & Inclusion

Learning & Creativity

Media & Information Literacy

Ethics & Empathy

Health & Wellbeing

e-Presence & Communications

Active Participation

Rights & Responsibilities

Privacy & Security

Consumer Awareness

Access & Inclusion

 Learning & Creativity

Media & Information Literacy

Ethics & Empathy

Health & Wellbeing

e-Presence & Communications

Active Participation

Rights & Responsibilities

Privacy & Security

Consumer Awareness

Contact information