In response to the EU’s emphasis on digital transformation, AI4YouW focuses on equipping youth workers with the skills needed to navigate the evolving landscape of AI technologies. With digitalization rapidly reshaping society, there’s a critical need for youth workers to understand and harness AI tools effectively. The project focuses on identifying and reducing competence gaps among youth work professionals through tailored educational resources. By empowering youth workers to integrate AI responsibly into their practices, AI4YouW contributes to enhancing the quality and innovation of youth work, aligning with the objectives of the European Youth Work Agenda. Through direct training actions and awareness-raising initiatives, the project aims to enhance the digital skills of youth workers and empower them to become confident users of AI-driven technologies.
The AI Competence Framework for Youth Workers provides clear guidance on the knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed by youth workers to engage with AI effectively, bridging the knowledge gap on the impact of AI on youth work and providing clear information to let youth workers increase their awareness of the competencies they need, the reasons why they are relevant to them and how they could develop them.
The Digital Catalogue of e-Learning Experiences on AI provides interactive learning experiences that directly address the need for educational resources for youth practitioners and youth workers that are tailored to their needs. The Catalogue includes 48 practical OERs in all partner languages, enabling learners to develop their competencies through simulations, case studies and other interactive experiences built in real-life scenarios, considering the distinctive features of youth work settings.
The AI Training Toolkit for Youth Workers includes a map of trustworthy AI tools for youth work, empowering youth workers to proactively engage with AI in their organizations, as well as a multi-lingual set of workshop plans they can implement with young people. Hence the Toolkit equips them with practical resources to improve their work through AI solutions, to guide young people in leveraging AI’s benefits and addressing its impact on youth work values.
Enhance your AI skills!
AI skills | e-Learning experience | Digital skills and competences
By increasing youth workers’ competencies and generating new knowledge to advance AI integration in youth work, the
project is expected to indirectly support young people in becoming confident, critical, and responsible users of AI-driven
digital technologies.
AI support for young people
The project empowers young people and youth workers to navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of digital technologies, particularly those driven by AI systems. With AI becoming increasingly pervasive in daily life, it is essential for youth and those who support them to develop the skills necessary to engage with these technologies confidently, critically, and responsibly. Despite the widespread adoption of AI among young people, there remains a significant gap in understanding its workings. As digital transformation continues to shape societal norms, it is imperative for young people to adapt to these changes and respond effectively to the evolving socioeconomic dynamics influenced by AI.
Competences and tools
While AI is increasingly prevalent in young people’s lives, only a minority of European youth workers actively engage in AI-related activities. This creates disparities between digitally included, AI-enthusiastic professionals, and those feeling alienated or excluded from the topic. Such exclusion often leads to feelings of anxiety, overwhelm, and digital fatigue. The divide stems from a lack of accessible information on AI’s impact on the European youth sector, causing disconnection and disengagement. Consequently, there is a pressing need for additional education and training resources for youth workers and organizations, delivered in an accessible and sustainable manner.
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AI4YouW brings together four partners from Italy (Lasco), Romania (TEAM4Excellence), Greece (KEAN) and Portugal (Contextos). Find more about our activities.
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents. The contents reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
“Artificial Intelligence for Youth Work”, ID: 2023-2-IT03-KA220-YOU-000170929